A Time To Mourn

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I spent this morning at one of the most peaceful spots in Orange County – the Veterans Memorial Cemetery I’ve been there restless a dozen or so times. As a pastor, I’ve often been a passenger in the front of a hearse saying a few words between leading a funeral service and getting folks to a luncheon afterwards.

Today was different – the funeral of Alan was in February – the service and luncheon was long over – grief was well on running its course. This morning was a small Interment, which is when the ashes of a cremated deceased are compiled, the site is ready and only the immediate family gather to say goodbye to someone everyone else bode farewell to months ago.

And it was profoundly restful. I arrived early with nothing to setup. And I sat with a Bible and the sight of three thousand stones reminding me of the shortness of life. The feel of a gentle breeze whispering that “life is but a breath”. It was peaceful.

I remain convinced that mourning is a healthy part of the rhythm of life. And the fear of death makes us more anxious than we should be when we can rest in the hand of the Almighty.