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I spy things on the campus of Goshen Church that most people don’t see. She just left us to return to Korea for a season, but for the last 10 years Helen has been an under-celebrated prayer warrior. On most days over the last decade (if you were wandering around like me) you’d find Helen praying in this spot, or on a prayer walk around our buildings. She prayed for many of you, she prayed for her boarding students, she prayed for the people she loved in Korea. She prayed for people that God would find in our buildings and campus…

And I don’t think anyone but me saw her. Except God. God sees, God heard and God moved in ways that we can only begin to understand as He does in response to faithful prayer. –

I think that most healthy church have people like Helen. Praying, caring – mostly behind the scenes, but noticed by GOD, and a blessing to people. And we’re all better off for that.