Impress them on your children

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I spent a wonderful decade in Youth Ministry. (Pictured are students from my last year as youth pastor before becoming a senior pastor).

Back then we had a lot of fun along with talking about faith, community and service. But now, some of my proudest moments are seeing what they’ve become – watching them get stretched by serving others, seeing how they’ve learned to be honest with others and themselves. This weekend I’ll be joining some of them to celebrate the marriage of two of the students Ashley and I were especially close to. I’m really proud of so many of them for who they’re becoming.

Right now I’m leading my own youth group of 4. (It’s true, I practiced on other people’s kids first) But I’m also watching www.Goshen.Church Youth Group starting to grow and form, and I’m maybe more thankful for youth leaders, mentors, coaches and parents now than ever before.

(and if you’re in the picture… thanks Jennie for putting this book together, know that I prayed for you by name before posting – I’d love to catch up sometime)