Most churches are famously among the most under-used real estate in the world wi…

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Most churches are famously among the most under-used real estate in the world with rooms used just once a week for Sunday morning worship. Goshen Church is not like most churches.

One of the things we’re able to use the building for is Addiction Recovery groups. – We host five AA/NA meetings each week. Today I was able to drop by one of them for their monthly celebration meeting. It felt a lot like many other meetings I’ve been to in that space. There were about 45 people for what they called fellowship, with a lots of talk about prayer, about God, about life-change and repentance. The meeting ended with everyone in a circle reciting the Lord’s Prayer.  It was amazing and hope-giving to hear and see so many folks who were sober after so many years of loss and destructive behavior. It gave me hope for folks I pray for.

… 90 days ago I was in the ICU with someone who was literally dying from alcohol consumption. A Christian.  I prayed with them, and tried to offer hope. “God is faithful, think about the possibility that you live and can get freedom from alcohol, that God’s not done with you yet.” Then I said, only half serious, “You can even start coming to this AA group that meets at church.”  –  Guys… I didn’t know this – but today I “coincidently” attended that persons 90 day celebration of sobriety… in the Youth Building at Goshen Church… 

God is faithful, He uses lots of us to do his work. And I’m grateful to be able to see Him at work all around us.

