Sometimes I forget about how cool this is. In a time when being uninsured means …

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Sometimes I forget about how cool this is. In a time when being uninsured means it’s really hard to get medical care, and when so many people are struggling, ignoring symptoms and getting much much worse. – Our church has partnered with Christ Health Care to host a Free Health Clinic to provide primary care to people without health insurance.

This is a big deal. It means that people with no where else to go can come to our church basement, get treated by an M.D./R.Ns – we have rooms setup with medical equipment, basic labs, medicines, etc. And they can get the help they need because of the generosity of funding and time by people who care. Our practitioners are volunteers who are able to make a difference outside of their normal jobs. We’re able to host local medical students who are happy to learn and help. And our local church planter will pray and encourage people spiritually and emotionally.

The Bible says that “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows [the most vulnerable] in their distress.” (James 1:27) And I’m thankful that I’m a part of a church community that prioritizes doing just that.

Tomorrow we’re taking an offering to support this ministry – you can donate at www.Goshen.Church/Give (select Christ Health Care Ministry)


