not giving up…

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Right after Sharon Vogel celebrated her last child’s graduation, she started college herself. Before her 50th birthday she had earned her degree and started teaching parttime in a local Christian School… which closed sadly and unexpectedly right after her first year teaching preschool.

11 years ago… without students, without a school, without a building, she started a preschool with a few kids in the church basement because she really felt that the kids needed a loving education in a Christian environment.

This is a picture of the 10th graduation of Goshen Christian Preschool. It’s been 10 graduating classes, a faithful board, church communities, teachers, assistants, administrative staff, and hundreds of kids and families made better because she didn’t let little setbacks (like an entire school closing) stop her from what she felt God called her to do. Our community would be better off if more people would do the same.

(this is not an advertisement for Goshen Christian Preschool... I think the waiting list is deep into the double digits for the Fall.)