Today is March 7th and I don’t want to resurrect arguments about masks. I do wan…

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Today is March 7th and I don’t want to resurrect arguments about masks. I do want to mark 1 year since the mandate expired for schools. (

That’s right….and hard to believe because time flies…. It’s only been one year. (And I don’t to even remember how crazy things were just one year ago) Right now there’s a lot of kids for whom this year is their first mask-less year of in-person school EVER. (For reference, I have a third-grader – this will be his first year EVER being in class the whole year without wearing a mask.)

And things still aren’t completely normal. Schools are overly stressed. My personal opinion is that everyone is behind in learning… (for example how to stand in line or get along in class etc.) I think all of our immune systems are still catching up… I think that socially, relationally, things are not back to normal yet. We’re all still tired. But I think we’ll will get there… because it’s only been one year, and that’s not a long time to rebound from something as crazy as COVID years.

