An unsung hero (who helps us sing):

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Our worship team rehearses each Sunday before the morning service. And it’s become a challenge because our team has started having kids… lots of kids.  So usually at around 8:45am our stage gets full of guitars, keyboards, microphones… toddlers and babies.  (And to be honest – I really thought that once kids started showing up, we’d have musician start backing off) – It’s cute, but it’s a real challenge to have parents practicing music with… it’s like 7 kids running around. 

Instead one of our elders volunteered to come to church early and watch kids so that the team could get ready to lead our church in worship. Every week he comes, with no fanfare  and make it possible for parents to lead our church in worship.  

I’m always grateful for the many hands it takes to accomplish what God has called us to do. And for the many people who usually don’t get enough credit when God blesses that work.

(Not pictured is…  another cluster of kids and a parent or two running around)