Samuel Sutter blog

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the ultimate measure of a man

the ultimate measure of a man

our 3 year old reacts to monuments.

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This week I was able to spend some time catching up with folks who haven’t seen …

This week I was able to spend some time catching up with folks who haven’t seen …

[ad_1] This week I was able to spend some time catching up with folks who haven’t seen in church in a while – church family who have been in nursing homes or stuck at home due to sickness or injury.

Visits to a Nursing Home

Visits to a Nursing Home

This week I was able to spend some time catching up with folks who haven’t seen in church in a while – church family who have been in nursing homes or stuck at home due to sickness or injury.

Social Media
Happy Birthday @asutter821 ! 

She invests most of her time and energy in our li…

Happy Birthday @asutter821 ! She invests most of her time and energy in our li…

[ad_1] Happy Birthday @asutter821 ! She invests most of her time and energy in our little family – loving each of us, caring for each need, adjusting to every mini-crises as the kids conquer each hurtle.

Happy Birthday Ashley

Happy Birthday Ashley

She invests most of her time and energy in our little family – loving each of us, caring for each need, adjusting to every mini-crises as the kids conquer each hurtle.

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Christ Health Care Ministries

Christ Health Care Ministries

Sometimes I forget about how cool this is.

Social Media
Sometimes I forget about how cool this is. In a time when being uninsured means …

Sometimes I forget about how cool this is. In a time when being uninsured means …

[ad_1] Sometimes I forget about how cool this is.

I spent this morning at one of the most peaceful spots in Orange County – the Ve…

I spent this morning at one of the most peaceful spots in Orange County – the Ve…

[ad_1] I spent this morning at one of the most peaceful spots in Orange County – the Veterans Memorial Cemetery I’ve been there restless a dozen or so times.

A Time To Mourn

A Time To Mourn

I spent this morning at one of the most peaceful spots in Orange County – the Veterans Memorial Cemetery I’ve been there restless a dozen or so times.

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