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Seeking God’s wisdom requires us to let go of our assumptions about life. It’s n…

Seeking God’s wisdom requires us to let go of our assumptions about life. It’s n…

[ad_1] Seeking God’s wisdom requires us to let go of our assumptions about life.

Satan Temps When You’re Alone

Satan Temps When You’re Alone

Hard times unsettles us – suffering leaves us confused & chaotic.

Isolation and Suffering – how loneliness makes things worse.

Isolation and Suffering – how loneliness makes things worse.

We live in a broken world.

Our GEMS group is amazing! (Christian Girls Club) – I’m thankful that my two dau…

Our GEMS group is amazing! (Christian Girls Club) – I’m thankful that my two dau…

[ad_1] Our GEMS group is amazing! (Christian Girls Club) – I’m thankful that my two daughters are learning to be more like JESUS, to love God and others through this program and leaders who work so hard to help these girls! www.

We plan, God Laughs the saying goes – we’re all a little better off for making p…

We plan, God Laughs the saying goes – we’re all a little better off for making p…

[ad_1] We plan, God Laughs the saying goes – we’re all a little better off for making plans while trusting that God’s got this.

The Bible Speaks Against Isolation

The Bible Speaks Against Isolation

Being apart from your church family is like an orphan separated from parents.


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Being Together (church family) matters #churchcommunity #motivation #faithfulness

Being Together (church family) matters #churchcommunity #motivation #faithfulness

When you’re alone, you miss out on the emotional support & sense of belonging you need to flourish.

I’m so grateful to know our Clinic volunteers (some of them are pictured here) -…

I’m so grateful to know our Clinic volunteers (some of them are pictured here) -…

[ad_1] I’m so grateful to know our Clinic volunteers (some of them are pictured here) – It’s a big commitment to give of yourself to help out those in need – and they do it consistently without a lot of thanks or celebration – but with their help, we’re able to provide free primary health […]
